Board-Line modules are compact ARM-based CPU boards that are equipped with either a microprocessor or an SoM module as the computing core. In addition to the central computing and memory units, the boards have all the important communication and graphics interfaces. The boards' functions can be individually expanded via expansion connectors. This powerful and independent platform can be used in many ways in your future projects.

  • Reduced development effort
  • Scalable computing power
  • Wide range of communication interfaces
  • Complete Linux toolchain
Résultats 1 à 3 sur 3


Baseboard BL i.MX8M MINI New

Baseboard BL i.MX8M Mini with High-Performance Processor ...

Baseboard BL STM32MP157

Baseboard BL STM32MP157 with tripple core Module for ...

Baseboard BL i.MX6ULL

Baseboard BL i.MX6ULL with complex application processor, ...

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840 Route de la Roquette


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